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SE News

SEGLC Recognized for Outstanding Safety

A special thank you to our Superior team (the safety department, the field, and project management) for your commitment to safety as a culture. Congratulations to all involved in these three projects! 

CAM Safety Achievement Award – Gold 

Status in the following categories: 

▪ Lost Workdays 

▪ OSHA Recordable Injuries 

▪ 500,000+ Hours Worked 

The Association of Union Contractors (TAUC) Award for Excellence in Construction Safety and Health – Category II (500,000+ hours worked) 

Zero Injury Safety Award (ZISA) – Awarded to three of Kevin Kennedy’s projects at the GM Warren Tech Center: 

▪ VEC Stage 4 Transformation (75,783 hours worked) 

▪ VEC Stage 3 Transformation (75,410 hours worked) 

▪ AEC 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Floor Transformation (85,478 hours worked) 

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